Friday, March 18, 2011

My Camera and Me

Big Man is no great gift giver. Never has been. Probably never will be. To be completely honest, I have only received one wedding anniversary gift in the past 8 was for our first anniversary...and I bought it! I needed a coat, I told him, and he told me to go get it. Romantic, eh? However, this past year has been different from those previous. Robert has surprised me with some lovely gifts from the heart lately...

Let me first say that I don't care about price tags. Really. I don't. I care about whether there was thought and heart put into the gift. All you ladies know what I'm talking about. "He should KNOW me. He gets hints all the time. I shouldn't have to tell him what to get me." Yep, that's me too! That attitude doesn't fly with my man. He says that if I want to love my gift, I should just come right out with it and things will be okie dokie. Psh. Whatever. I usually end up doing that...or just throwing up my hands and telling him to forget about any present.

One of the first pictures taken with my Rebel...the best scenery to shoot!

All non-gift giving things aside, Robert really does love to make me happy. He did just that this Christmas. Money is tight. Real tight. We usually don't get each other anything over $20 bucks or so. This year, he made me cry. No, not from disappointment...from a multitude of feelings. Feelings of excitement, embarrassment that my gift couldn't compare, eagerness, shame (he spent way too much). Tears. My man bought me the camera I have yearned to have for years. I love photography. My dream is to make a side living shooting people. Come on folks, not actually "shooting", photo shooting. *smirks* My new Canon Rebel T2i was going to help me surge into that direction. A dream gift. DSLR cameras are the "all mighty" of photography. I can improve my shots so much with this. He knew that, and decided to support me toward my dream. Did I mention that he cried too? Well, he did. He loves me. I cried. He cried. We cried.

Since Christmas, I haven't had much time to really explore with my new camera. Work. Kids. Big Man's obligations. We have busy lives. There isn't a lot of time for "extracurricular life fun"...for me, that would be photography. I got lucky a few weeks ago though. A friend asked me to shoot her maternity/family pics. Of course, I happily agreed. Tomorrow, I will explore my Rebel. Tomorrow, I will capture memories for a family. Tomorrow, I will be in my camera and me.

*Thanks again for the great gift, babe. You truly are the best ;)


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing where this camera will take you on your photographic journey!

  2. Enjoy! I love my Canon Rebel!
