Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Everywhere a "Quack, Quack"

Thanks to "Papa Rolly" (That's Papa Roy), the girls now have 3 pet ducks. Uh, yeah. So, these are not our first ducks to care for. We had a few back when Lillie was 2. They were purchased for her 2nd birthday party...a petting zoo. Yes, I tend to go overboard for parties. No hassling necessary. Big Man takes care of that, thanks. These ducks, however, are the first since Lillie has really grasped the concept of "survival of the fittest". Let's hope these cuties climb to the top of the food chain once they are released out on Papa and Ma's pond. I'd hate to think of my girls broken hearted...they are having too much fun playing with them. Sure, it may have been 80 degrees, but this may have been a bit overboard for the middle of March...

Hmmm...Maybe it isn't the animal predators these little guys should be worried about after all. My "Trifecta" may put them in an early grave with all their jumping and splashing around!

1 comment:

  1. How Adorable! Save that pic of Claira's crack... she'll love that when she's 16 and you embarass her w/ it in front of a boy! Good luck to the ducks! ~ Celia~
