Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dora and her crew

The spookiness is in the air and my girls are rocking the costumes I worked so hard on. They were the talk of the downtown trick-or-treat! I just wish they would have lasted a bit longer than they did...Dora wasn't enjoying her wig as much as her spectators were, and Map took a few falls...luckily she was padded and rolled!

Dora and her "Crew" Trick-or-Treating downtown Warrensburg

My sweet "Baby Boots" enjoying the downtown Trick-or-Treat

Lillie Trick-or-Treating at her Preschool

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Blog Sent for Heaven


It's been a year now since you left this Earth to be with our Heavenly Father. There's so much I need to talk to you about. Alot certainly has gone on in my world since you flew to Heaven. I have to tell you first, though, that I'm not mad you had to go, or even sad really. Most of all, I miss you terribly. I can't be mad or sad because your pain was so agonizing and I knew you wanted to be free. I'm so happy that you got released from agony and introduced to eternal life. I just wish that I still had you here to talk to, to hold me, to hold you. Your shoes cannot be filled...for so many reasons.

Over the years we had together you taught me so much. Not the "normal" things that one would expect. What grandma's really teach their grandkids the proper way to vacuum? Mine! I couldn't be more anal about making sure to go in both directions...ensuring the nap of the carpet gets flipped so that the dirt is all sucked up. From you I learned the meaning of "elbow grease". Turns out it isn't goopy stuff you rub on your elbows! Some of my fondest memories of us are when we would clean the old farm trailer of Dad's, or right before Uncle John came home for hospice care. I'm a bit embarassed that I enjoyed cleaning so much, but I'm over it because I was with you. I learned how to barter by going garage saleing during the early hours of the morning. Really, do you think there are that many youngsters that would have gotten up at 4 to be ready for early morning sales? The time never mattered to me...I enjoyed our quality time...oh, and all the special treats you'd buy me! Anytime I was with you, it was definitely a treat.

I'll never forget how much we both enjoyed to eat. Oh Lord, how we could clean a whole pan of chocolate cake in an evening. Or how about the many pints of ice cream we would eat? We sure could devour the sweets, Grandma! I partly contribute our binge eating to my childhood chunkiness...ha ha. I loved the mornings when you would fix a big mess of biscuits and gravy. You always complained that it was too something (runny, clumpy, salty, etc.)...I'm sorry though, that I missed the batch made with sour milk (oh yes, I heard about that!). I know I'm not the only one that misses your cooking or vibeacious eating habits. We  could all count on Grandma Jessie having something to eat. Oh, and how about a glass of nutra-sweet kool aid? Am I right or am I right. Love it!

You loved me so very much...I know this. You were filled with much love...most of all for the Lord. I feel better about you being gone when I think about you entering Heaven's gates. I can hear God saying, "Hi "Doll". Welcome. Please come in." It brings me to tears. I can picture your face beaming as you stood before the Lord after all of your Earthly years working for and praising Him. I'm jealous of you. You are just where I hope to be someday...of course not for many years...I have some living yet to do.

My family has grown since you left. They are amazing, Grandma. The girls are getting so big. Unfortunately you never got the chance to meet Audrey. Did you know as I sobbed at your bedside, pleading for you to open your eyes and look at me, that I was becoming a mother again? I didn't, but when I found out a week later I thought to myself, "This baby is a gift for Grandma's absence." It's true. New life does occur when another is lost. You would love Audrey. She has so much personality and she looks just like her big sisters. I am so proud of them. Robert, of course, is too. He's a great Dad. You always told me I was very lucky to have found such a good man. I agree...on most days...haha. I'll never forget when Papa Billy kept calling Lillie "cute little feller" when she was born (gosh how the Alzheimer's already had him) and you kept barking at him, "Bill, she's a girl!" and he would go "Oh, yeah?". He kept doing it until Robert plopped her on the kitchen table to change her diaper and low and behold...he saw she was not a boy! We all laughed so hard when he hollered out, "Well, that's a girl!"

All of these memories being relived have me a mess inside and out. My heart is aching to see you again. You come in my dreams alot...funny how you always act very silly. Others in the family say the same thing. Oh, your humor. I know you are enjoying the company of those who went before you. I can only imagine what it was like to be reunited with your parents, siblings, Grandpa Don, Papa Billy, and Uncle John. Have you seen my Aunt Connie? Does she mention me and my family? I'm glad to know there are so many wonderful souls waiting for me when my time comes. Lillie talks alot about Heaven and dying...all because she is learning Bible verses and usually asks why Jesus died. You can guess where the conversation always leads...death. It always ends with Lillie getting sad and saying, "I don't want to die and go to Heaven. I want to stay at home with you." It breaks my heart, but I assure her that with all hope, I'll be there already and that Heaven is the best place you could ever visit. A funny story is when she asked if her friend Avrie would be there too! I told her yes, but hopefully not for a long time. Lillie wanted to know if they could play freeze tag there. I said "yes!" She was thrilled. She even said, "Jesus will play freeze tag with us too!" Her innocence melts my heart.

Grandma, I love you. I miss you everyday. When I start to get sad, I just picture your face looking at your Savior's face. I know you are where you truly want to be. I am content with that. My heart hurts often, but your good Lord has granted me lovely souls to keep me going here on family. Please keep watching over us, as I know you do. Let me know every now and then that you are around...I won't be scared. I need reassurance sometimes. You'll continue hearing from me in the mornings when I'm on the deck with my coffee. I love those chats. Enjoy being with those you lost long ago. Until we are together again...

All my love sent to you,

PS...I sure hope they have garage sales for you to hit up in Heaven! Probably not. Why would you have any junk to get rid of when you have everything you could ever want/need?!?! I guess you wouldn't desire garage saleing then, either. What a were the best garage sale junkie I'll ever know!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How DO you do it?

The common question statement I have heard quite a bit of lately is, "How do you do it?" or "I don't know how you do it!" Apparently my life, or the organization of it, is baffling to others. Well, to be honest, it is to me too! *smirks* I wanted to take a few minutes to clear the air with "How I do it".

I first need to know what "it" is? Are people asking how I manage to raise 3 little girls all within 20 months apart? How I keep a loving marriage going strong? How my house, car, laundry, etc. all stays clean and tidy? Exactly how I'm able to get up at 4:30 every morning to be out the door with tired kids and a sluggish husband by 6:45? How do I work all day with 14 year olds? How do you manage to get your family to church almost every Sunday and on time? How do you still make time to be active with friends and family? Are these "it"? If so, the answer to the "How do you do it?" is, I DON'T! *laughing* If anyone seriously thinks that all of these objectives are accomplished on a regular basis, they are crazy. I certainly wish!

The truth is, I have had to develop a "whatever" mentality. I used to be the most anal person I knew...still might be, but I'm definitely better. *winks* With the birth of Audrey, I realized that I had no time to dwell and to start letting go of everything getting on my nerves or annoying me. I started just saying "whatever" (not in a smart a** way, just a matter of fact way) whenever I really wanted to pull my hair out. Yes, I have three gorgeous daughters (3 months, 22 months, and 3) that keep my busy, but I am not the perfect mom...I do have flaws. Baths don't always happen every other day as I plan, hair may not always look up to par when walking out of the house, the tv has made a good sitter at get the idea. I just do what I can to keep them educated, happy, safe, and loved. Robert and I do appreciate that we have a marriage that...well, works. How? Not totally sure! *laughs* I know the good Lord has the most to do with it. You must realize that we argue on a regular basis...usually about silly stuff that typically stems from frustration dealing with something outside of eachother. Our lives are always busy, always full of something that needs done. However, we always have those moments when we'd really like to scream or hit something, but we just look at eachother and laugh at the wonderful environment we've created...even if it's a chaotic one 20/7. *smiling* Has anyone stepped in my house? It's definitely not clean! I am great at hiding the big messes. Let me just say that if you are ever missing snow, you can turn on a ceiling fan and enjoy a few minutes of lovely gray "snow" (otherwise known as dust!). You can usually draw pictures in the dust on tables. My laundry is always behind by at least 5 loads. Yesterday's breakfast dishes may be in today's dinner sink. The toilet bowl sometimes looks like it may be the start of a teriffic science experiment. Are you getting my drift? It's a normal household of 5 people just trying to coexist. I'm sleep deprived. No, I'm just used to running on very little steam. I like the saying, "You can sleep when you die"...mostly because I have no choice but to believe that's the case...I'm not sleeping much while on Earth. It's tough getting everyone around in the mornings, but with a little cold water, cattle prods, and threats, we manage it! My students are my learning experience...I see how my own will be in about 10 years! The students are great kids...loud, obnoxious, and lazy at times, but truly great kids! Really! You don't believe me? 14 year olds going through hormone changes and figuring out who they are...of course! *trying to convince you here* Church is a must in our household. Don't think for one second that you are ever too busy for God. Point blank. Going to church each Sunday just makes my week that much better. I don't know how it works, so don't just does. My friends and family are important to me and I want my girls to see how strong relationships are built. This is why we make it a priority to see family and friends often. To do this, many loads of laundry and dishes go unwashed. *winks*

You see...I manage to keep going, but I'm not doing "it". I don't kill over because of all that goes on...I just adapt and keep going, knowing that one day there will be an abundance of free time in which I'll know not what to do with. For now, I'm so happy living the rat race. You'll rarely hear me say "I don't have time for ...". I get frustrated when I hear others saying it. The fact is, you always have more time. Sleep less! So, "How do you do it?" you ask, I don't..."it" leads me!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baby Wearing

It's no secret that I am an ultimate fan of attachment parenting. Robert and I have always loved our "snuggly", but we've never bought or received a baby sling. A great friend, Jennifer, let me try hers out after I had Claira, but she was no fan of the put her in the best nursing position, so all she was interested in when in the sling was nursing! I recently thought about the sling after seeing posts about them on my babycenter board. Of course I started yearning for one. So, what did I do? Yep. That's right. I got on the trusty sewing machine and whipped out one by hand! Here's baby Audrey enjoying this morning's UCM Homecoming parade! 


Interested in your own custom baby sling? Leave a comment and I'll be happy to contact you concerning fabric and size. These slings sell for $40-$50 dollars in stores and online. I'd charge a mere $20 for one that you provide the fabric for or $25 for one that I provide the fabric for. Babywearing really is a great way for keeping your baby close and snuggly...just like being in the womb!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

FREEBIE of the day 10/21/10

I love these photo collages! What a great way to have multiple photos in one place...enjoy!

Free Photo Collage

A new project anyone?

I love my job...the one that pays me with dollar bills, that is. *grins* I get to be super creative in my planning of what projects, sewing and cooking, the students will complete. Lately I've been working on a new sewing project for my students...tiny totes...uber cute! They are made using only 2 fat quarters of fabric...lucky me and my students, I scored about a thousand or more free ones from my man, Paul, at Fabri-Quilt. Check out how cute my "testers" are...

I'm also teaching a community education class about rag quilting in the evenings for the next few weeks. Of course I had to have a "tester" to show my adult students. My 8th grade kiddos helped me make this one. It is twin size and super snuggly! I sure have some cool and talented students. *smiles with pride*

Want to try making your own project? Here are the links for instructions to both...good luck!

My Crazy Cubbie

Lillie has really enjoyed being part of the Awanas group. She is a very proud Cubbie! The little ones spend a week learning a specific element of the Bible along with a verse they must recite to their Cubbie leader. They earn stickers and patches (for their very distinguished Cubbie vests...which Lillie absolutely loves and is prideful about). It's so rewarding to see and hear Lillie memorizing and reciting the Lord's words. She is the cutest thing ever...really has the voice of a narrator. Our favorite verse to hear her recite is "...while we were sinners, Christ died for us". She puts such an emphasis on "Christ"...lowers her voice in a very serious manner *giggles to self*. Last night was "crazy hair night", but it was also the first of two nights that I had to work late due to parent/teacher conferences. This was my quick work at crazy hair...

The verse for the past week, and a patch earning one, was "...and Jesus grew in wisdom (Luke 2:52)". She knocked it out of the park! I picked her up after parent/teacher conferences finding one excited, beaming Cubbie...with another patch for Mom to sew on. You go girl!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FREEBIE of the day

I frequently search for super savings or freebies. Usually each day I can find at least one. My goal is to share those with you...just as they are shared with me by other blogging people. I found one yesterday and I used my coupon today! The free offer is good until October 26th and the coupon expires November 25th. Check it out and enjoy!


Why now?

My world has been just that, my world, for 10,091 days to date. So much has transpired. So much is yet to be. Today, though, I sit at work missing my family so terribly it hurts inside. I check out a friend's beautiful blog and it sinks in...I too need to talk about my wonderful God, my handsome husband, my gorgeous girls. Her post made me teary eyed as she spoke of how just one year ago today she found out that she was going to be a mother for the first time. I remember that day in my world...***sighs with a small tear starting to well up***...

This blog is being created so I can give a glimpse into my world for others out there striving to be the super ***insert here: wife, mother, friend, christian, employee***...for me, it's the SUPER EVERYTHING. My wonderful, rewarding, challenging, blessed, cluttered, creative, hectic, not enough time in the day, exciting, hopeful,