Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hi. My name is Brooke, and...

Without a doubt, I am a Dollar Tree junkie. If there were a group called DTAOA (Dollar Tree Addicts of America), I would be their worst case scenario of a groupie. Week after week, I walk the junk lined aisles looking for treasure. Many times I spend thirty minutes or more browsing...only to leave empty handed and heavy minded. Within hours, I go back to retrieve what can't be erased from my thoughts. I'm telling you. Addict. There, I said it. This addiction, however, has enabled me to spread my creative wings even when I've only got a few bucks to spare. You'll find that many of the projects I showcase are adorned with, or completely consist of, Dollar Tree items. That's budget decor at its best...for new items anyway.

My offspring are becoming junior members of DTAOA. They love the place. At Christmas time, Robert and I took them all in there to shop for each other. It was the cutest thing you ever saw! They were supposed to pick one thing for each of their sisters. We didn't care what it was because we knew we were out of there for less than $10. Money didn't become and issue, but the gift shopping certainly did. It's hard to be little and buy your sisters gifts. Lillie couldn't bear the idea of purchasing any of the the "amazing", "cool", "awesome" merchandise for anyone other than herself. Needless to say, she left still dying to have the Dora stickers that I secretly snuck in the cart when she turned her head (a stocking stuffer from Santa). "Mom, I Nnnnneeeeeeeeeeeed those Dora stickers!" Now, anytime there is a gift giving holiday upon us, she'll say, "Well, let's just go to the Dollar Tree and get (fill in the blank)." That's my girl...I couldn't be prouder.

If you ever stroll past me in the aisles of a Dollar Tree, determination and motivation plastered on my face, please just wave and holler a quick "hi". If we stopped to chat for long, it may destroy the creative juices flowing in the piping of my brain. That would be devastating. There are some amazing things to be purchased, then displayed or repurposed, and I'd hate for it to go to waste. Yes. My name is Brooke, and I'm a Dollar Tree addict...

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