Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Living With Laundry

There are so many great blogs out there that I enjoy following. Last week, there was a post on MoneySavingMom.com about time management. Ugh...sounds impossible, right? Not really. The author is much like myself (mother of 3, wife, blogger, economist *don't laugh, I try*, Christian) except she does not have an outside of the home job. Now, I know staying at home is a very tough job, but at times I feel like I would be able to keep my house tidier if I were there all day. It's my sanity that would be cluttered. *chuckles* She has some great ideas concerning time management, organization, managing home life, and thrifty shopping...my kind of gal.

Anyway, one of the listed items on the post to help with staying organized and caught up around the house was to always do one load of laundry from start to finish each day. Hmm? Sounds pretty easy. *shrugging shoulders* I decided to try this. Robert laughed at me when I told him of my plan. You see, usually we have no problem washing clothes, it's just getting them folded and put away that's the problem. Don't pretend like you don't know the scenario...tons of clean clothes piled on the folding table...throwing what you want to wear for the day in the dryer after spritzing a bit of water on the wrinkles. Oh yeah, you know you've done it...admit it! My flaw...finishing the task.

There are 4 steps to doing a load of laundry.
1)Putting laundry in the washer
2)Putting laundry in the dryer
3)Folding the laundry
4)Putting folded laundry away
Seems simple enough, right? WRONG! I get caught up in something else and that's it...I never return to finish the job.

Not anymore! I have started my new plan and it is working brilliantly! I figured out that what I was doing before was trying to do so many loads at a time that I got overwhelmed. The key is to getting yourself caught up (yes, this will involve an entire weekend of dedication to doing all 4 steps with every load of laundry). Once you are caught up, do just one load a day from start to finish. Yep, you have to complete 100% of the steps for this to really work. I can say that our laundry hampers look quite slim these days thanks to the new system. I'm alot less worried about laundry, and we no longer have to wait around the house half naked waiting for our clothes to dewrinkle! *laughing at myself and what you might be picturing*

Join me in the fight against loathing laundry. Leave a comment as your "contract" to yourself to stay caught up and post whenever you can about your experiences working the plan. Trust me, this will work for you. Happy laundering!


  1. LOL, I will definately try this! With a family of seven, clothes pile up fast!

  2. Gotta try this, I hate laundry!!
