Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Daddy Deer-est...Daughter Deer-est

Friday, November 19, 2010
Oh for namesake
I made these namesake gifts for two very special people. One was my sister and the other a very good friend. I forgot how much I enjoyed my crafty creativity up until about a month or so ago. I'm ready to get back in the saddle and get to work. Like what you see? They are for sale...obviously not these though! LOL!
Monday, November 15, 2010
My First Last Time
What a bittersweet moment I had on Friday. Audrey started rolling over! She smiles in amazement as her pudgy little body completes it's roll...and I am mesmerized by her new trick...every time she does it. I wasn't upset that I wasn't the first to see her do it...I'm glad it was very special people in our lives that got the experience (you know who you are). I was excited just to see her proud face when she showed me! You go girl! I was, however, sad because it quickly hit me that this was my first last time at watching one of my beautiful gifts from God reach a big milestone. I held back the tears from fear of embarassment. *smirky frown* Oh my, will I really be able to call it quits after 3?...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tutu Cute!
Here's a sneak peak at my lovely ladies' Christmas outfits :) I'm so loving that I started making tutu's! Look for them to wear one at every occasion...sorry girls...Mommy loves you!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Cape is at the cleaners!
It's been an incredibly difficult and busy last couple of weeks. Robert has been working on a side project in the evenings and I've been teaching a night class 2 nights a week. I have had to figure out what to do with our three angels when I'm teaching and when I'm not, there are gazillions of tasks and errands to check off, all the while having the girls by myself...it's been a struggle to "manage" the daily routines. I am starting...or was starting *there is a silver lining coming* to have a mental, physical, and emotional breakdown (Yes! I suffer from being normal!). Luckily, a post on one of my favorite blogs, "MoneySavingMom", helped bounce me back enough to stick it out a few weeks longer and maybe...just maybe...I'll be better equiped to handle the fact that I cannot have things perfect (whatever that is) in my life. That being said...My "Super Mom"/"Super Wife" cape has been dropped off at the cleaners...I may let it hang there for a while *smirks*!
Check out the post that helped bounce me back!
Check out the post that helped bounce me back!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Mess I'd Never Want to Clean Up
It was one year ago today that a very important event occured. Let me tell the story...
I just wasn't feeling myself the day before...had that "out of body" feeling. As I was getting ready for work, with 10 minutes before I had to leave the house, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I just knew there was no way I could actually be pregnant...I was still nursing Claira and my "gift from mother nature" had not resumed since having Claira...a waste of a test for sure. I did my business and went on my way chasing after Lillie and Claira to get them ready. A few minutes later I scooted past the sink where the cheap Dollar Tree test lay and took a double take...POSITIVE! What?!?! How...When...Oh my! Can you say "shocked"?
I walked downstairs to the laundry room where my half dressed husband was mid body into the dryer, looking for his socks. I said, "Honey, I need you to come upstairs." His response, and one that will stay with me forever was, "Whatever they (speaking of Lillie and Claira) have done, you clean it up!" All I could think of to say was, "This isn't a mess we can clean up." I started sobbing and somehow got the words out "I'm pregnant" as he look at me confused. He cracked the biggest grin and grabbed me in his arms. "How could he be happy?" I wondered. I was in total and utter shock...Claira was only 10 months old! I wasn't upset...maybe...still not sure. I just couldn't believe the words..."I'm pregnant"..."I'm pregnant"..."Oh God, I'm pregnant!" Lillie was wondering why Mommy was crying. Robert assured her that I was ok, and that she was going to have another brother or sister. Whoa! I kept telling Robert not to continue talking about the morning's big news...Lillie was becoming a "tell all" and I was NOT ready for anyone to know...at least until I had accepted it myself. There was no way I could get to work and be alright, but I went.
I didn't tell anyone at work what I had found out that morning...not even one of my best friends, Ashlee. I'm sure I walked around like a complete zombie...face puffy and swollen from sobbing on and off during the moments of privateness. I was becoming a mother again...for the third time in two and a half years! Luckily, my wonderful and supportive husband sent me messages all day confirming just how excited and blessed he was to be expecting again. What a guy! I needed a bit more time to be convinced that we would be ok (mentally, physically, financially) with three children under 3.
It took me a couple of weeks to accept that my new arrival would be coming. You know, once our doctor ordered an ultrasound and I saw that little heart beating on the screen...there was life inside me :) My dumbfoundedness (wow! long word!) turned into great joy and anticipation...along with a bit of "How in the world will we manage?!"
And here we are now, one year later and I couldn't even begin to explain the joy and love that Audrey has brought me already...in only a few short months. Audrey, baby girl, thank you for surprising me and giving me the gift of you...Mommy loves you! Robert, honey, thank you for giving me one of the three best gifts I've ever received...I love you too.
I just wasn't feeling myself the day before...had that "out of body" feeling. As I was getting ready for work, with 10 minutes before I had to leave the house, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I just knew there was no way I could actually be pregnant...I was still nursing Claira and my "gift from mother nature" had not resumed since having Claira...a waste of a test for sure. I did my business and went on my way chasing after Lillie and Claira to get them ready. A few minutes later I scooted past the sink where the cheap Dollar Tree test lay and took a double take...POSITIVE! What?!?! How...When...Oh my! Can you say "shocked"?
I walked downstairs to the laundry room where my half dressed husband was mid body into the dryer, looking for his socks. I said, "Honey, I need you to come upstairs." His response, and one that will stay with me forever was, "Whatever they (speaking of Lillie and Claira) have done, you clean it up!" All I could think of to say was, "This isn't a mess we can clean up." I started sobbing and somehow got the words out "I'm pregnant" as he look at me confused. He cracked the biggest grin and grabbed me in his arms. "How could he be happy?" I wondered. I was in total and utter shock...Claira was only 10 months old! I wasn't upset...maybe...still not sure. I just couldn't believe the words..."I'm pregnant"..."I'm pregnant"..."Oh God, I'm pregnant!" Lillie was wondering why Mommy was crying. Robert assured her that I was ok, and that she was going to have another brother or sister. Whoa! I kept telling Robert not to continue talking about the morning's big news...Lillie was becoming a "tell all" and I was NOT ready for anyone to know...at least until I had accepted it myself. There was no way I could get to work and be alright, but I went.
I didn't tell anyone at work what I had found out that morning...not even one of my best friends, Ashlee. I'm sure I walked around like a complete zombie...face puffy and swollen from sobbing on and off during the moments of privateness. I was becoming a mother again...for the third time in two and a half years! Luckily, my wonderful and supportive husband sent me messages all day confirming just how excited and blessed he was to be expecting again. What a guy! I needed a bit more time to be convinced that we would be ok (mentally, physically, financially) with three children under 3.
It took me a couple of weeks to accept that my new arrival would be coming. You know, once our doctor ordered an ultrasound and I saw that little heart beating on the screen...there was life inside me :) My dumbfoundedness (wow! long word!) turned into great joy and anticipation...along with a bit of "How in the world will we manage?!"
And here we are now, one year later and I couldn't even begin to explain the joy and love that Audrey has brought me already...in only a few short months. Audrey, baby girl, thank you for surprising me and giving me the gift of you...Mommy loves you! Robert, honey, thank you for giving me one of the three best gifts I've ever received...I love you too.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Christmas Music, Really?!
It's no secret that I am a huge fan of Christmas. I just feel like my home is the prettiest during the holiday season. Our attitudes are more delightful and our spirits are lifted. I am not, however, a huge fan of the Christmas music starting on one of our local radio stations (yes, Star 102, I'm talkin' about ya!) the day after Halloween! I mean, come on! I do love me some Christmas tunage, but if you start playing it two months before the actual holiday, I am tired of "I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus", "Christmas Comes This Time Each Year", and "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" by "turkey time". Please, I'm begging...cease play and resume after Thanksgiving. Many thanks!
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