Friday, April 1, 2011

I've Made The Decision To...

Homeschool "The Trifecta"! Next year will be my last year as a full time district employee. There are so many reasons why I've come to this decision...

I get to spend more time with the girls.

I can sleep in.

I can work around the house more.

I'll cook more often.

The laundry will stay caught up.

I will never again get behind on "Days of Our Lives". 

I wont have to spend anymore money on professional type attire.

It won't be a big deal if the girls miss a bath night...I'll be the only one around them the next day.

The girls and I could go get pedicures whenever we wanted.

I could stay up as late as I liked...I won't have to get up at any certain time.

No more faculty meetings.

No more worrying about how "they" are going to have us make up snow days.

I'll have more time for my husband.

I can craft whenever I want.

The house will always be clean since I'm there so much.

The girls will be able to work at their own pace.

I'll be able to take my time eating more scarfing down a meal in 18 minutes.

Oh, by the way...


Did you really think I was serious? Are you kidding me? Homeschool?! My job is my daily break  from "The Trifecta"! I love my children more than life itself, but 24/7 with them 365 days a year is too much for this Mommy. It was deciphered long ago that I am a much better person, wife, and Mommy when I work. In a perfect world, I could work only part time. Sounds great! I would love to be in charge of the PTO or be head room parent (I put "parent" because many men these days are stay-at-home dads...I don't want to be sexist...). It's not a perfect world though, so, there you have it. For now, I will stay full time at my job (which I love!). Props to all of you parents that homeschool your kiddos...bless you...and your nerves! *winks*

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